Wednesday, October 19, 2016

My future job

Hi everyone! In this opportunity I have to talk about my future job and I would say that I have already experienced it. I'm currently in my fourth year of the career Physical Anthropology and in the last days, I have to work for my thesis so I have to extract DNA from saliva samples. This is a genetic study and its aim is to know the origin of the north populations of Chile.

Since I started the mention of Physical Anthropology, I liked the area of genetics, so I imagined myself working in a laboratory, with white apron and gloves. This is an indoor job, where everything has to be clean for avoid the contamination of the samples. I’m very thorough and a few days ago, someone who works with me, told me that I was an OCD person(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), so I think that I’m qualified for this job hahaha.

But Genetics are not the only subject that I like, I’m interesting in the Bioarchaeology too, so If I have the chance to work in an archaeology site with humans remains, I would travel for the country and maybe out of Chile and I would like that.

Thinking in the future, I would like to take a master degree in Biomedical Sciences and try to connect the genetics with the pathologies and the cultural factors. Well, I hope I can graduate first hehehe.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Election day

Hi! Today I have to talk about the election day. As we should know, the next October, 23th is the municipal election, when we should go to vote for the next municipal mayor and the councillors of our district. In my case, I'm not going to vote because I'm registered in Quinta Normal but I'm from Lo Prado. I don't know why it happened and I didn't remember it until a few days ago when I checked if I had been chosen for "vocal de mesa" .This situation is very sad because I wanted to vote in my first municipal election and especially because my cousin is one of the counciller candidates for Lo Prado, so he has one less vote.
I think that the electoral campaigns are very impersonal and even useless. The only things that we can see in the streets are posters and pamphlets with the smiling face of someone and a cliché phrase. On the other hand, we could see a lot of people go over the streets, knocking on the doors, saying the same speech and giving many little gifts. In that occasions we never got to see the candidates so there isn't a dialogue with them and the community. At least for now, this has been my experience with the electoral campaigns. For this reason, I think that a person who run for a politic position should have qualities like empathy, social conscience, willpower to do the best for the people but I don't think that is the reality that we live in. 

I have never considered becoming a politician because of my personality and I don't like the pressure of being a leader constantly. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

My favourite TV Show

Well, well, I don't think that this topic will be very difficult to me. I declare myself a adiccted to TV series, and I usually watch them in my computer, when I have free time and when I haven't too hehehe. After a lot of time thinking, I choosed "Avatar: The last airbender" as my favourite TV series. In this case, I started see this serie on TV, when it was transmited by Mega about five or six years ago. 

Avatar -not the movie of blue creatures- is an animated serie of three seasons with  twenty episodes each aproximately. It  was about a world which was divided in four nations: The water tribe, the fire nation, the earth's kingdom and the air nomads. The opening narrate the whole story in a clear way. One hundred years ago, the four nations lived in armony, where there was people that can controle a element (water, earth, fire or air) and people who can't. The Avatar was the master who can control all the elements and she or he had the mission of maintain the peace on the world. -But everything changed when the fire nation attacked- because the fire lord, Ozai, wanted to create a new age for the fire nation where they rule the whole world, so it produced a war between nations, where the air nomads were exterminated, the water tribes and earth's kingdom were let to the end because they had army to protect their limits. 

The character that can overcome this situation is the Avatar, Aang, the only surviving member of the air nomads, a child of 12 years but actually he is 112 years old. He was brought up by monks, so he is very kind and sweet and only used the violence when he has to. He meet to Katara and Soka, the first is a watebender and she play the role of mum in the group. Soka is the brother of Katara and he is a natural strategist. In the season two, they meet Toph, a blind earthbender who is strongest of the group. At final of the show, Zuko join to the group, a firebender who wants to overthrow his own father. 

About my favourite episode, I don't have an only one. But now I can only think in the last episode where we could see a great battle between the Phoenix King and the Avatar. It was very impressive for me and I repeat this scene many times. 

I love this serie because it has great music, the characters are very mature for their age and the control of the elements has always been very interesting for me. I used to watch episodes of this serie two times for semester at least when I need to cheer up myself.