Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Election day

Hi! Today I have to talk about the election day. As we should know, the next October, 23th is the municipal election, when we should go to vote for the next municipal mayor and the councillors of our district. In my case, I'm not going to vote because I'm registered in Quinta Normal but I'm from Lo Prado. I don't know why it happened and I didn't remember it until a few days ago when I checked if I had been chosen for "vocal de mesa" .This situation is very sad because I wanted to vote in my first municipal election and especially because my cousin is one of the counciller candidates for Lo Prado, so he has one less vote.
I think that the electoral campaigns are very impersonal and even useless. The only things that we can see in the streets are posters and pamphlets with the smiling face of someone and a cliché phrase. On the other hand, we could see a lot of people go over the streets, knocking on the doors, saying the same speech and giving many little gifts. In that occasions we never got to see the candidates so there isn't a dialogue with them and the community. At least for now, this has been my experience with the electoral campaigns. For this reason, I think that a person who run for a politic position should have qualities like empathy, social conscience, willpower to do the best for the people but I don't think that is the reality that we live in. 

I have never considered becoming a politician because of my personality and I don't like the pressure of being a leader constantly. 

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